autumn leaves, acer
Autumn is such an inspirational season for me; I am fresh back to work after the summer holidays with the kids and I can concentrate on new ideas for the busy winter period. This year I can’t stop looking at trees, there has been some fabulous colour on the trees this autumn! Luckily I have got to indulge my tree

stained glass beech tree
fetish with a recently finished beech tree commission for the front door of a new build house on a farm called ‘Nut Tree Farm,’ sounds delightful hey?

beech tree, painted leaf detail
Autumnal animals were my inspiration for the upcoming Gloss Gallery 20×20 Exhibition, an art exhibition and auction where 20% of the proceeds go to Hospiscare

I also have lots of my smaller pieces in the Themla Hulbert Gallery Present Makers 2012 Exhibition, including my owls and some lovely new stained glass flower wreaths. I haven’t had a chance to go see the exhibition myself yet, but when I delivered my stuff there was some great work being dropped off by others, so well worth a visit!
I am juggling a lot of shows and exhibitions in the lead up to Christmas, but I also have a fabulous commission project which I am now starting, I am direct printing from Ivy leaves, which I will then acid etch………more of that another day, just a little photo of the Ivy being arranged on the glass

#art #paint #acidetch #commission #stainedglasspanel #linocut #frontdoor #trees #Christmaspresents #stainedglasscommissionforfrontdoor #beechtree #Honiton #artexhibition #gifts #Exhibition #nature #contemporarystainedglass #tree #gloss #autumn #Hospiscecare #inspiration #owls #fox #stainedglassart #hedgehog